STAPLE! The Independent Media Expo, Texas’ first independent and small-press comics, zines and arts convention, recently donated $1,000 to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. The check was delivered by Nate Southard, one of the show’s organizers, during the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco to Charles Brownstein, Executive Director of the CBLDF.

Brownstein said, ‘Starting a convention from scratch is a daunting enough task, but making it fun for everyone in the room, profitable for the exhibitors, and successful for the organizers is nearly impossible. But STAPLE! pulled all of it off, and the organizers are such nice and generous guys that rather than taking the proceeds as a much deserved reward, they passed it on to help the Fund defend the First Amendment rights of cartoonists and retailers. We’re very grateful for their generous support and look forward to working with the show as it continues to grow in the years to come.’

According to STAPLE! lead organizer Chris Nicholas, the donated funds came from the door receipts of the Texas show. ‘I’m very happy we’re able to give this money to the CBLDF,’ said Nicholas ‘and that our first show was successful and well-attended enough that we had it to give. The Fund does an important job and it has been a real pleasure working with them. We definitely want to have the CBLDF involved in STAPLE! again next year.’

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CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein (L) receives a check from STAPLE! organizer Nate Southard.