Hey Folks!

Well, it’s taken me a few days to get around to it, but I didn’t want to just dash something off so here goes.

STAPLE! ’07 was our biggest and best show yet, which is saying a lot since we are always awesome, and I’ve got a lot of people to thank for helping to make that happen.

First of all I’d like to thank our terrific guests, Dean Haspiel and Brian Keene, for coming down to Austin, lending their considerable talents to the proceedings and just being all-around cool guys.

Thanks to Evan Cagle, Lance Meyer, Aaron Romo and David Liu for participating in the first ever (but not last) STAPLE! Independent Animation Panel.

Thanks to the Fiction Circus for waking us up with a hot cup o’ lies, and their always…interesting…table sculptures.

Thanks to Jim Mahfood and Dave Crosland for coming back from Cali to rock the live art with all the local and San Antonio cats at the after-party, and thanks to 3-Deep for supplying the jams.

Huge thanks to our awesome sponsors: Austin Books for the party and bringing Dean; Frequency Press for bringing Brian; and ECPrinting for bringing the great looking programs!

Thanks to everyone on the STAPLE! Planning Commission for all the help putting this stuff together in general, and specifically:

Comics expert Randy Lander for interviews, advice and artist wrangling.

The illustrious Robyn Anderson for awesome designing and coolness.

Hucksters Justin Humphries and John Thornton for pimpage and radio entertainment.

Shiny-pate-Nate Southard for guest acquisition and personal inspiration.

Extra special thanks to Commissioner Manton Reece for keeping the website updated, the handsome redesign, and all the work coordinating Animation Panel. Nicely done, sir.

Big thanks to all our fantastic volunteers ‘ Shauna, Alyssa, Irene, Louisa, Jason, Randy, Mercedes and Brother Mike for the bang-up job working the door and shirt shilling.

Incalculable thanks to all our super-talented exhibitors, especially those of you who made the trek from faraway places. Said it before and I’ll say it again: STAPLE! is all about you and what you do. It is why we are here. Keep on keepin’ on, my brothers and sisters!

And of course, colossal thanks to everyone who came out to attend and support the show. We need and love you all and we will see you next year!

And I’m out!

Chris ‘Uncle Staple’ Nicholas