Hey folks!

Happy to report that over half of the available exhibitor tables for STAPLE! 2008 have been sold!

What that means is that if you want one and haven’t gotten it, well, you need to get yer butt in gear!

To register for a table go to the registration page, download the registration form and send it in (along with your payment, natch) to secure your spot today!

I dropped by the venue yesterday (www.monarcheventcenter.com) to check out the Blue Genie Art Bazaar that is going on there all month till Christmas. The place looks really great! I’m getting more and more excited about this new spot and I think it’s going to work fantastically for next year’s STAPLE!

If you’re in the area and want to get a preview of the new place, drop by the Art Bazaar and do a little Christmas shopping while you’re there. Tell’em Uncle Staple sent ya!

Chris “Uncle Staple” Nicholas