Hey Everyone! We are very excited to announce some new guests added to the STAPLE! 2011 lineup!

Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener, the writer artist duo behind the awesome Eisner nominated Atomic Robo from Red 5 Comics, will be joining us to meet the fans. If you haven’t been reading Robo, I highly recommend you check it out here www.atomic-robo.com In addition to Robo, both Brian and Scott have worked on several Marvel comics, webcomics and a variety of other excellent projects, and will be doing a Q&A session on Saturday at STAPLE! to talk about all that and more!

We are also very pleased to be screening the documentary film Comic Book Literacy! This award winning film showcases the utilization of the comic book medium in the promotion of literacy and education, and highlights the positive ways it can be used by teachers, librarians and all lovers of reading and art. Filmmaker Todd Kent will be on hand for Q&A after the screening. You can learn more about the film and view a trailer here: www.comicbookliteracy.com

James O’Barr is coming to STAPLE! Best know as the creator of the Crow, on which four movies, several comics, a television show, and several novels were based, James is currently working on a motion comic called Sundown with MotionWorks Entertainment. He is also featured in the Comic Book Literacy documentary, and will be participating in the Q&A session after the screening. See more of James’ work here www.jamesobarr.net and come meet him at STAPLE!

You can see all of the currently scheduled STAPLE! guests at http://www.staple-austin.org/guests/

If you missed any of our guest speakers last year, don’t fret! We have posted recordings of the Guy Davis and Chris Schweizer panel sessions on our podcast page http://www.staple-austin.org/podcast/

In some non-STAPLE! news, our good friends at ARTSLAM! Are celebrating their 5th anniversary! ARTSLAM! is a Live art and Live music event that happens bi-monthly in San Antonio, TX, and for their big birthday show on Saturday, January 29 (at the White Rabbit in S.A.) they will be featuring long-time STAPLE! friends Jim Mahfood and Dave Crosland on the boards! Congrats on five great years, y’all here’s to many more! More info at http://artslamsa.com/

That’s it for now ‘ stay tuned for more big news coming soon!

Chris “Uncle Staple” Nicholas