There are many, many people I want to thank for making STAPLE! ’06 the phenominal success it turned out to be.

The STAPLE! Commission: Gary Bartos, Manton Reece, Randy Lander, Nate Southard, John Thornton, Justin Humphries, and Robyn Anderson. You made it happen once again.

Our sponsor Austin Books & Comics – THE best comics shop in America.

Our wonderful guest, the erudite and entertaining Tony Millionaire.

The coolest kids in comics, Jim Mahfood and Dave Crosland – you guys just amaze me!

The suave Keith Knight for his terrific slideshow.

Our Xeric winning panelists, the delightful Emily Benz and Summer McClinton and those funky dance machines Alex Cahill and Michael LaRiccia.

My good friend Toby Craig for pimping STAPLE! in Houston and bringing the DIY knowledge.

The Fiction Circus – wow, just wow! (I still think y’all are awesome, but next time please bring someone to sweep up after the elephant).

And more: Jessie Garza of Viper Comics for the assist w/ the programs. Billy at Obsolete Inc. for the sweet t-shirts. Scott Hinze of Fanboy Radio for coming through again. The Ritz for hosting a killer live art event. DJs Digg, LD and Eddie Campos for bringing the jams.

Special, special thanks to ALL our fantastic 2006 exhibitors. STAPLE! is all about YOU.

And super extra special thanks to everyone who attended this year and made this the biggest and best STAPLE! so far. You rock my world.

Anyone who missed it, well…you suck.

If I’ve forgotten anyone, please accept my apologies. Uncle Staple is very, very tired. He’s going to sleep now. Nighty-night.