Hey folks,

I’ve had about a dozen emails in the last couple weeks from people asking about exhibitor tables at this year’s show. As of January 17 all tables were sold out (scroll down to see the news item below that I posted at that time). There’s currently a waiting list with about 10 people on it and there have been no cancellations.

Demand for tables was really high this year. If you wanted to exhibit this year and couldn’t get in I hope that you will still consider attending the show. With the 80+ exhibitors who DO have a table, and all our fantastic guests, 2008 is is a STAPLE! not to miss. Not that anyone should EVER miss a STAPLE!

Again, very sorry but there are NO tables available for STAPLE! 2008. Some folks may be willing to share their space but it’s up to you to contact them – check the Blog and the Exhibitor List to see who you can persuade, otherwise, better luck next year, kid.

Chris “Uncle Staple” Nicholas