Check out this excellent time lapse video by Olivia Snyder, aka Faerie Hive, as she draws an adorable Staplegator and talks about what she loves about independent comics and zine shows.
2015 tables available!
24 AugExhibitor registration for STAPLE! 2015 is now open! Go to to get your form!
Digital PaintingTutorial!
20 FebDIGITAL PAINTING TUTORIAL by J Hause. at 12pm on Saturday March 1.
See J’s bio on our GUEST PAGE, and the full programming schedule HERE.
J will take you through the steps needed to create a digital masterpiece like this:
An introduction on how to get the best out of your linework, removing traditional linework from a white background, digital inking and line settings in photoshop.
How to lay out flats for a piece, with an emphasis on flare or speed. Layer management techniques.
The main section of the talk. An explanation of colour temperature, lighting and applying colours. Brush settings and tools explained.
Texture effects for metal and cloth, hair and skin, how to make your own brush, ambient lighting techniques and quick and easy backgrounds. Finishing touches and adjustment for print.
The tutorial will conclude with a brief questions and answers session and attendees will be provided with a print out cheat sheet and access to the working Photoshop file used in the demonstration, so they can take it apart at home and continue to learn. I also hope to be able to film one of these tutorials, so attendees can watch it again later.
Exhibitor Updates!
30 Sep2014 exhibitor tables now available
25 Sep2014 Exhibitor tables now available! Go to the Registration page for forms and info!
2013 tables sold out
31 JanTables for STAPLE! 2013 are now sold out! Congrats and best of luck to our exhibitors!
Staplegator sketchbook
26 OctSTAPLE! now has a tumblr! Right now posting sketches from Uncle Staple’s official Staplegator sketchbook Lot’s more cool stuff planned – pics, interviews, vids, and more!!!
We’ve put our exbitor list for the 2013 show here: These are just some of the fine folks who’ve signed up so far. More updates soon as the registrations keep pouring in!
Hey Folks! Uncle Staple here w/a little shout-out and some news. As you may’ve noticed our 2013 dates have been confirmed for March 2 & 3! Woot! We’re planning to make exhibitor tables availble for purchase by the end of September – a little earlier than usual, and expect them to sell out quicker than ever! Some big guests announcements coming soon, so stayed tuned! You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter (links on top of the page) and tell your friends! We’re working hard to make this, our 9th annual, the biggest and best show ever – hope you are as excited as I am! (pretty excited) Talk to you soon, Uncle Staple