Hey folks! Hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for their Thanksgiving festivities. We’ve got a few pieces of STAPLE! news that we’re very thankful for to share with you all.

First off we are very excited to announce an Indie Animation Panel at the 2011 STAPLE! We’ll be featuring local artists and animators Yehudi Mercado (www.yehudimercado.com), Korey Coleman (www.spill.com) and Dax Norman (www.daxnorman.com) giving you the low down on the ins and outs of producing their own animated films, showing some great clips, and answering your questions. Don’t miss it!

And once again we will be joined by Jason Neulander and the crew of The Intergalactic Nemesis, with a special top-secret event! Can’t reveal exactly what it is yet, but based on their appearance last year we KNOW it will be awesome!

THIS weekend, November 12-14, yours truly Uncle Staple will be at Austin Comic Con, at the Austin Convention Center, manning a booth and spreading the joy. Sharing the space with me will be Austin based creators Paul Maybury, Kennon James, Geoff Sebesta, Nate Southard and Dave Lamplugh.

Come by and say ‘HI!’ and come out that Friday night @8pm to Club Deville (900 Red River) where I will be hosting a Drink and Draw in conjunction with Wizard Entertainment, to benefit Heroes Initiative. It is open to all comers and a celebrity judge will pick pieces to be featured in Wizard Magazine! Show your Austin Comic Con badge for discounted drink specials!

There’s still a few STAPLE! tables available. Last year they sold out before Christmas, so if you want one visit the registration page to get yours today http://www.staple-austin.org/register/

See you soon!

Chris “Uncle Staple” Nicholas